PH can be lowered over time using both Sulfur and a ammonium sulfate based (acid forming) fertilizer. Sulfur and fertilizer should be purchased at your local John Deere Landscapes Dealer .
It takes time to adjust your soils PH. After a year of following the treatment plan below a soil test is recommended to see where your PH is. You can then see if you need to keep treating your lawn this way or start with a
regular fertilizer program. Keep in mind a soil test should be performed once a year.
How Much Sulfur to Apply to Your Lawn
If your ph is really high you'll treat the sulfur applications
differently then if it is just a little bit high. Measure your lawn and note how many
square feet of grass area will need to be treated. We know the PH is high now, so what scale would you put it on the high side
PH of 7.2=Low High (add 5 pounds of sulfur per 1000 sq. ft.)
PH of 7.5=Medium High (add 7 pounds of sulfur per 1000 sq. ft.)
PH of 8 or above=High High (add 10 pounds of sulfur per 1000 sq. ft.)
Adding Sulfur to Lower Soil P.H.
Set your spreader to a low to medium-low drop setting. That way when you are applying the
sulfur to your lawn you wont use all the sulfur just on part of the yard. It is better to use a lower setting and walk around the yard multiple times and apply several coats to the front and back. This will ensure a even layer through out the yard.
How Frequently To Add Sulfur
Add the recommended rate every three months for one year. Then do a soil test to see where you are with your efforts.
Applying a Ammonium Sulfate Based Fertilizer
Buy a bag of ammonium sulfate based (acid forming) fertilizer. Follow directions on the bag of fertilizer. Link to this site - <a href="" target="_blank">Sod Jacksonville FL</a>